Legacy Director
Steve Schmidt

Who is Steve?

Steve Schmidt, is a PK (Pastor’s Kid). His father was a pastor for Mennonite Brethren congregations in Nebraska and California, and on staff with independent mission organizations in Mississippi and California. After graduating from high school in California, Steve followed the lure of playing college baseball for a former major league and went to Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana where he played for Carl Erskine (former Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dodger pitcher). It was at Anderson that Steve met his future wife, Janet. Steve and Janet have been married since 1972 and have three grown children living in Chicago, Seattle and Stuart, Florida. They also have five grandchildren. While their biological family spans the continental U.S., Steve and Jan’s extended family actually spans the globe. Since becoming empty-nesters, they have opened their home to international students from Anderson University where Jan is on staff. Students from Nepal and Cambodia, Trinidad and Tobago and Japan, Korea and Cayman have all called Steve and Jan’s place home in recent years.
Steve is a pilot for the same company Carl Walker flies for. Steve has co-authored five children’s musicals. Steve has never gotten a hole-in-one, but still tries occasionally. Steve never broke anything skiing, and he quit trying that some years back. Jan has had the opportunity to lead many student missions, service and educational trips and Steve enjoys tagging along when his schedule allows. Steve grew up in the Mennonite Brethern Church and accepted Christ under the ministry of his parents. Steve and Jan currently attend a Church of God congregation in Anderson–when Steve isn’t working and they’re not visiting grandkids.
“As a Pastor’s Kid, I know first-hand the need for places like En Gedi. En Gedi Retreat had me at hello. It struck a chord with me the first time I heard about it. Then after meeting Carl, I knew I wanted to be involved in some way. I have never known an individual so in-tune with the Holy Spirit and so totally committed to being obedient to the Spirit’s leading. If you’re a pastor or missionary, En Gedi exists to care for your well-being and the well-being of your family. “
What Steve does:

As the Legacy Director, Steve communicates regularly with Pastor’s and Missionary’s kids (PK/MK’s) who are struggling with the impact that being a PK/MK has had on their lives. He also seeks out ways to relate to young PK/MK’s in an effort strengthen their identity as a Child of God and not just a child of the preacher, and he’s striving to make En Gedi Retreat kid friendly.
To learn more about our how En Gedi Retreat is coming alongside Pastor and Missonary kids